The Christian Education Team oversees the administration of both the child and adult Sunday school classes. The team also sponsors fundraising events such as UNICEF, Heifer Internation and special activities such as Rally Day, distribution of Bibles and Vacation Bible School.

Nursery Care
Nursery care for infants through kindergarten age is available during the Worship Service except for the first Sunday of the month in which we encourage families to share Communion together. We have a dedicated Childcare Assistant and volunteers to care for your precious little ones.

Sunday School Teachers
First Row: Marlene Waldschmidt- Youth Sunday School, Lynsey Weber- Sunday School, Randy Heckman-Adult Bible Study, Nettie Ziegler- Sunday School
Second Row: Karen Wakeland- Sunday School, Dan Coughlin- Youth Sunday School
6th-12th Grade Sunday School
We will be offering a weekly Youth Discussion Group/Confirmation Program at Eden UCC every Sunday from September through May.
In these classes, the youth will be learning specifics about the UCC and the Statement of Faith as well as an overview of the Bible, lessons on Jesus Christ, and stories from the Old Testament. Students will also prepare for a variety of youth-oriented Worship Services.
This will be a very interactive, discussion-oriented approach to developing as thinking Christians.

Adult Bible Study
We are currently closing out John chapter six and so will begin again on January 5 with a reading and discussion of John chapter seven. We wish everyone a very happy and peace-filled holiday season. We also extend an open hand to all who may wish to join a group encounter with the written Word on Sundays at 9AM.