Adult Bible Study
We are currently closing out John chapter six and so will begin again on January 5 with a reading and discussion of John chapter seven. We wish everyone a very happy and peace-filled holiday season. We also extend an open hand to all who may wish to make a New Year resolution for a group encounter with the written Word on Sundays at 9AM in January.
New Adult Christian Education Class for Fall 2024!
Title: Extracting & Exchanging Spiritual Wisdom from the Parables of Jesus Christ
Facilitator: Dan Coughlin, 314/614-8622, [email protected]
One of the main ways Jesus taught was through parables. Whenever a group discusses a parable, many different spiritual insights come pouring out for our lives today.
This will be a very discussion-oriented course consisting of seven classes. There are no lectures. Each class will be a 75-minute Zoom meeting on a Sunday evening from 7 – 8:15 PM. We will meet on:
2024: September 22, October 20, November 17
2025: January 19, February 16, March 16, and April 27.
One month before each session you will receive the three parables that we will discuss at that session along with optional Reflection Questions for each parable. The only expectation is that you will read each parable and be ready to discuss it. You don’t have to write anything down if you don’t want to. Half of these parables are things that Jesus said, and the other half are stories about the actions of Jesus.
Attendance is not mandatory. You are not expected to make it to every class. However, this is very much a course where you will get out of it what you put into it.
If you want to go deeper into each parable, you can answer the optional Reflection Questions to consider for each parable. And if you want to go deeper than that, you can read the book, Being There: The Parables of Jesus in a Difference Voice by William O’Malley. Each chapter in that book corresponds with one parable that we will discuss. However, the book is out of print and can be difficult to find. That book simply provided a framework for the parables we will be discussing.
If you are interested in being a part of this course, please contact Dan Coughlin directly.
plans activities each quarter. Past activities include Mystery Show & Dinner, Grizzlies’ Baseball, Progressive Dinners and Concerts. Adults of all ages are welcome.
meets on the first Monday of each month at 6:30 PM on the lower level. Meetings are held September through May.